Mango Insect Pests.Agri Knowledge

Mango Insect Pests.

There are several insect pests that can affect mango trees and fruit. Here are some of the most common insect pests of mango:

1-Mango fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis): This is a major pest of mango fruits, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. The female fruit fly lays its eggs in the mango fruit, and the larvae feed on the pulp, causing damage and spoilage.

2-Mango shoot borer (Chlumetia transversa): This is a common pest of mango trees in India and Southeast Asia. The larvae bore into the young shoots and cause wilting and dieback of the affected parts.

3-Mango mealybug (Drosicha mangiferae): This is a small, soft-bodied insect that feeds on the sap of mango leaves and fruits. The infested leaves and fruits become covered with a white, waxy coating.

4-Mango hoppers (Amritodus atkinsoni and Idioscopus clypealis): These are small, winged insects that feed on the sap of mango leaves and shoots, causing yellowing and wilting of the affected parts.

5-Mango stem weevil (Batocera rufomaculata): This is a beetle that attacks the trunk and branches of mango trees, causing damage and dieback of the affected parts.

6-Mango scale (Aulacaspis tubercularis): This is a small, armored scale insect that feeds on the sap of mango leaves and fruits. The infested parts become covered with a hard, brown scale.

There are several methods of controlling insect pests of mango, including cultural practices, biological control, and chemical control. Consult with a local agricultural extension service or a pest management professional for advice on the best methods of control in your area.


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